Peter Croker's Path To Better Golf: The Revolutionary Swing Technique for Power, Control, and Consistency Review
Most golf instruction is like chiropractic. The "instructor" moves your body into unnatural positions and tells you that "everything is going to be better". Nothing gets better, but you give them money.
Mr. Croker's method is different. I would suggest first reading the chapter that explains why all of the truisms of "regular" instruction are wrong.
This book will be particularly welcome for those golfers who used to be able to play but have lost their swings. This book will take you back to the way you swung "naturally", and better, as a kid. Back to the days when you just hit the ball.
Professional athletes seem to like to convince you that what they are doing is rocket science and a profound mental exercise. Probably makes them feel smarter. This book tells you that the correct way to think about hitting a golf ball is simple. Some will be better able to do it than others as they have more natural ability, but complicated techniques are ultimately silly.
I understand Mr. Croker is a very nice man. He is also a very smart one.
Peter Croker's Path To Better Golf: The Revolutionary Swing Technique for Power, Control, and Consistency Overview
In his Path to Better Golf, Peter Croker sets out to completely change the way golfers learn to swing the club. He begins by stripping away all the misinformation that golfers have picked up while trying to improve their game. Then he introduces his Push action movement designed to help create a more natural and coordinated swing. The Push Action Swing requires very little practice to perfect and allows golfers to hit the ball more powerfully and accurately with less stress on the back.
Croker demonstrates that like hockey and baseball, golf is a hitting game. At the basic level, you need to learn how to hit the ball instead of relying on a technique to do it for you.
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Customer Reviews
Too Simplistic - -
I found the idea certainly novel but as I read along it became to simplistic to cure all bad golf swings. Not very helpful to me at all.
A brilliant book by an excellent teacher... - Moviegoer -
Peter Croker's method is truly revolutionary. I attended one of his first U.S. workshops about five years ago as a frustrated twelve- handicapper and the techniques I learned from Croker turned my game around. The book is a no-nonsense explication of Peter's principles. The Push-Action swing that Croker advocates is easy to learn, and many of the innovative drills can be practiced away from the golf course. Traditionalists may balk at a swing model based on the idea of pushing the clubhead through the ball with the hands, arms, and body-- in other words, a 'hitting' rather than a 'pulling' action-- but my experience with this method has been very positive.
*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Mar 14, 2010 10:15:15
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