# 1 The back swing
The perfect swing requires stability and rhythm. When performing the backswing, keep the left arm straight and go back as far as you can. Keep the club head close to the ground and sweep it back smoothly. Maintain your balance when you are swinging the club back.
When the weight presses down on your back foot, keep the pressure balanced to the inside. As you begin to swing the club back up, you will feel pressure in the back leg and your body will begin to feel like a tightening coil. Continue to move up and when the club reaches the level of your hips, then the shaft ought to lie over the extended line of the feet. Stay in this posture for the remainder of the backswing. Allow a smooth turn of your shoulders until your front shoulder is directly behind the golf ball.
#2 The downswing
There are a few mistakes that most golfers make concerning their downswing. The most serious flaws in the downswing occur when golfers spin their hips without laterally moving their weight. Another crucial mistake, is that during this spinning motion they tend to turn the right shoulder high towards the ball. Golfers can also make the blunder of trying to move the club head or slowly moving their hands down.
These moves are disastrous because they make the player hit too soon and from the outside in, these problems will rob the player of distance. A key element in the downswing is to ensure that the head is kept in the same position. Do not rush the downswing as this will definitely result in poor shots. The aim is to have a gradually increasing speed and ensure good balance. Make the movement smooth and controlled.
#3 The follow through
Research has shown that over 90% of amateur golfers have little or no follow through in their swings. So for many players this is where the problem issue is at and can lead to a few other problems. By not finishing the swing completely, the hand is not turned over which leaves the club face open at impact and can cause a slice or fade.
To prevent this problem here is what you need to do; after impact fully release the club while keeping your head behind the ball. While performing this action the head and right shoulder should come up naturally. The right shoulder should move down and drop below the left during the early stages of the follow through and this will allow you to better hit the ball squarely with the club face. The head should remain still and only move in response to the movement of the hands and arms through the strike zone.
When learning to perfect the follow through, you should also pay close attention to your hands, the higher they finished means the further they traveled along the target line after impacting the ball. If your hands finish below your left shoulder this may mean that you're producing a flat swing.
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