One way to improve your golf swing is to neutralise your golf grip. Firstly you will only hook the golf ball if you swing the club face closed at impact. The majority of golfers that hook the ball display a 'strong grip', where the hands are too far to the right of the handle.
Golfers will swing the club too much from the inside of the line, with the hands, arms and body struggling to hold the club face open at impact. Weakening the grip will help stop the club face closing on impact.
Secondly, a common fault with a lot of golfers is the stance. The width of stance will vary slightly according to the golf club you are using. As a general guideline, I recommend that the stance for the 5-iron should correspond to the width of your shoulders. Check your stance regularly when you practise. A wide stance will give you good stability but less mobility. A narrow stance will give you more mobility but less stability.
Thirdly, getting your posture right will make playing the game easier. The reason for this is that your posture controls the balance points in your swing, and good balance is key in helping you develop your game. Start by placing your thumbs on your hip joints, this is where you bend from the hip joint. From there lean forward putting your weight on the front of your feet. Finally flex your knees, feeling the pressure on your thighs. Hope this helps, happy golfing.
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