Sunday, July 18, 2010

Golf Easy Pitch Shots from Kostis McCord Learning Center

Golf Life Television features Jeff Yurkiewicz, the Head Golf Instructor at the Kostis McCord learning center at Greyhawk Golf Club in Scottsdale, Arizona to learn more about the pitch shot on to the green. Jeff Yurkiewicz describes that there are three ways to pitch the ball the low pitch shot, the basic pitch shot, and the high pitch shot. Jeff Yurkiewicz shows how to approach each one. Find more great instruction online at

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Golf Tips - Having Control When Putting

The short game has always been considered a big key to lowering your handicap. If you can putt well then this can really improve your game and lower your scores. If you saved one putt on every 3 holes then you would lower your score by 6 shots - imagine your score after that.

One key to putting is to be in total control of the shot. It is essential to keep your body really still whilst taking the shot. So, once you have assessed the lie and the speed of the green and you are ready to take your shot, think of a few key points to keep yourself in control of the putt:

Smoothness: make sure you hit the ball smoothly, don't jerk the shot and make sure you follow through on the ball, don't snap or tap at it.
Pendulum Effect: Think of your arms as pendulums on a clock in the way that they swing in a fixed plane parallel to your body. Keep your body really still and keep your arms fixed as they swing through.
Deep Breath: Try taking a deep breath in and out before you take the shot, this can help keep your body still and controlled when hitting the shot.
Visualize: imagine being in complete control of the shot and sending it straight into the hole.
Control Long Putts: If you have a really long put then be sure to control the ball so that you aim to get it within say a 2 foot imaginary circle around the hole.

Keeping in control of the shot is the key to a smooth and accurate putt, mentally and physically.

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