Every person who takes up the game of golf is on a quest for a good golf swing. It looks quite easy on TV and we wonder why we cannot duplicate the swing and the results. A good golf swing is not difficult, but you first have to have a good set up or you will never achieve your goal. Since the definition of a good golf swing is very subjective, here are some constant fundamentals to get you on your way.
The first and most important step to getting a good golf swing is your grip. The over lapping grip is referred to as the standard grip. This grip gives you full control of the golf club. Having control of the club is very important, otherwise you will not be able to get it in the correct position on your back swing. Though practicing your grip is not as glamorous as trying to rip a drive 300 yards, it just as important.
Next you need to make sure your posture and stance is correct. In a good golf swing, you must combine control and power. Your stance will set you up to allow your body to be in balance through the swing. It allows your muscles to flow freely, which transfers into controlled power. Each person, depending on your body type, will have a little different stance. But the basic principle is to begin with a five iron and to stand with your feet about shoulder width apart. If you are right handed, your left foot should be slightly turned toward your target line. The shorter your club, the less width you will need, but you will have to practice so you will have the perfect width for each club.
Your posture is critical. After getting into your stance, keep your back straight and bend slightly at the knees. Then lean your torso slightly forward. The next step is to slightly raise your butt like you are trying to sit up onto a barstool.
Now that you have your grip and posture correct, let's give the club a swing. Your goal is to get a good repeatable swing. Grip the club and get into your stance. Make sure your arms and elbows are as close together as you can get them. On the take away (also referred to as the back swing) there is an order. The hands start to take the club back, a split second later the arms begin back. Your shoulders should now begin to turn. When your shoulders begin to turn, it will start to pull your hips around. Let your hips turn naturally with the rhythm of the swing. Turning them out of sequence is a disaster. When you reach the top of the back swing, you should feel like a tight coil.
The down swing is the complete reverse. Once you are at the top of your swing, your hips should move back to the left. (for the right handed, for left handed reverse instructions). Then your shoulders come back around, followed by the arms and hands. Keep coming around with your follow through until you are back to the top and in a balanced "posed" position.
You will need plenty of practice, but if you work within the formula, you will get a good golf swing. Word of advice: don't listen to others around you about your swing. Every body type is different and what is a good swing for them will not be a good swing for you. After practicing, have a Pro take a look at your swing, making sure your basics are sound. It is much easier to learn good habits than to unlearn bad ones. Have fun and keep it in the short grass.
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