If you want to learn the secret to drawing the ball, then these golf swing tip instructions will give you some much needed help.
If you're like most golfers, slicing the ball has never been a part of your golf game that you've needed to practice on, it's just come naturally. But, drawing the ball is a different story. You're not alone though, as upwards of 90% of all golfers have problems with slicing the ball.
So, how do you go about changing that and start hitting a draw? Here are some quick tips.
1. We're going to assume that you are right-handed. If not you just need to reverse these instructions. You begin by taking a 5-iron and setting up to the ball as you normally do.
2. Now, you will need to move your feet to the right of your intended target area. To get the correct angle is going to take some practice, but begin with 10 degrees right of your target. If that's not enough, then you can simply make more adjustments.
3. Next, you will maintain the face of your 5-iron pointing at your intended target.
4. Maintain your normal golf grip and swing at the ball. Keep your regular follow through.
If you have several balls in a row that hook too much, or not enough, make some additional adjustments with your stance.
As with any golf swing tip instructions, the key to success is practice. With that in mind, keep these points in mind:
-Practice drawing the golf ball with every club in your bag.
-Don't change your regular golf swing. Make the adjustments with your stance or grip, but you don't want to change your golf swing.
-Start out drawing the ball slightly to allow your body and your mind to get a feel for it. You can always practice more serious draws in due time.
-Consider taking a golf lesson if you can. You can find more information on golf tips and lessons at the end of this article.
Learning to hit a simple draw is not difficult if you put these golf swing tip instructions to work for you. In fact, I believe you can be hitting it consistently in a short amount of time. As you do, you'll start to notice increased distance and no more slices.
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