Saturday, July 31, 2010

Golf Swing Instruction - Are You Looking For The Perfect Golf Swing?

Are you still looking for the perfect golf swing? If you answered yes, you may want to stop for a minute and consider what golf professionals and instructors all over the world say; there is no one golf swing that is perfect for all golfers. With that said though, here is what will help you the most in your golf swing.

We all have our own unique golf swings. What works well for you may not work at all for me. Perhaps the best example of this is Jim Furyk. Who do you know that has a swing like that? And how could anyone learn that swing? But, he's a champion on the PGA Tour, so his swing works great for him.

The key to developing your perfect golf swing is to work on the fundamentals and build a strong repeating golf swing that becomes second nature in your mind. Here are some tips to help you build this type of swing.

1. Relax

As you step up to the tee box and get positioned over your ball, take a couple of deep breaths and relax. Tense muscles produce bad golf shots.

2. Backswing

Take the club back wit a one piece takeaway. You want your shoulders and lower body to turn naturally. Your weight will gradually transfer to the right side as the club comes back.

Set your wrists when the club comes back to the halfway point. Then, continue to take the club back until your left hand is up to being even with your ear.

3. Downswing

As you begin your downswing, you always want to lead with your hips and then let your shoulders and arms follow. It's your lower body that develops the power, not your arms. When you watch professional golfers on TV you will always notice this is how they swing the club.

4. Follow Through

Be sure to finish with a high follow through with your weight on your left side and your right knee pointing toward the target.

While there may never be a "perfect golf swing", these tips will help you build a repeating golf swing that will lead to lower scores on the course and having a more enjoyable time.

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