The sound of a well hit tee ball.
The sound of perfect contact of clubhead to golf ball.
That is the sound you hear when a good player hits the ball.
Sometimes it's a profound noise, almost bothersome it's so powerful.
Can you make that sound?
What's the secret that so evades our practice tees all over the country. Why is it that after a hundred years or so, the weekend player is hardly any better?
Golf Instruction ?
The technology certainly is making every attempt to help.
We have cameras today that reveal frame by frame our actions during the golf swing.
We should, by now, know all there is to know about the mechanics of the golf swing.
And we should be able to teach through golf lessons and golf instruction all that has been revealed. But do we?
The answer is no!
But look, listen up. It's not that hard.
Here is where the power is..... it's in the angles that you create in your backswing. There are several.
And it is in the very first move you make down to the ball and what you do with these angles. If you create them and keep them you will experience a power source that is just like magic. If you lose them or don't create them in the first place there will never be power and so no magic.
Angles create leverage. Leverage equals power. No angles no leverage. No leverage no power.
Make sense?
Now assuming that you know that you have to be on plane and clubhead path is from the inside, not over the top. And assuming you have a good grip. ( but I doubt that ) and that you know enough to have a great set up. And so on and so on! Then and only then are you ready to know what to do next.
So are you? Ready, I mean !
I am making a big jump here and assuming you are now in the completed back swing position.
You will have created two very important angles.
1. The right wrist is bent back toward the forearm. The angle is between the back of the hand and the right forearm. It's about 45 degrees for mortals. More for people who are incredible supple.
You can experience this by holding your right hand in front of your face, the palm is pointed left. Then bend your hand back toward your forearm. Do it now. See the angle? This is the angle that you will have at the top of your swing. Angle number one.
2. The second angle is between you right forearm and the clubshaft. This could be somewhere between 45 degrees and 90 degrees. It's an angle created in the moveaway by pushing the right hand bent.
It's in another article.
Once these angles are created the key is to keep them in tact through the downswing and into impact. If you were to name this it would be a no release swing. One where there is no active releasing of the club with the hands. There is a release, but it is done with the body.
Ok.... so there you are at the top of your backswing. Both angles are in tact and you are ready for the moment of truth. The Hit!
First move... It's not just one move, it's really two moves. But both are easy.
1. Bump the left hip laterally
2. Drop the right elbow to your right side.
This is one move not two separate moves. It is done at exactly the same time.
If there is a magic move this is it.
Once you are in this position you are set up for a powerful hit. Your angles are still as they were, some of you will actually increase these angles some during this first move.
Now just fire the clubhead at the ball and you are on your way to feeling a power source that you did not know you had.
This works. Every good player always does this. So can you. Do it slowly at first.
Some use a drill called the pump drill. Get in you best backswing position and just bump your left hip and drop your right elbow....slowly. Do this over and over to get the feel of it.
You will be shocked at the power and accuracy of this " magic move"
Is this what Hogan did? Sure it is. Is it magic? Nah! All good players do it. Nothing magic about it. It is just not taught much. Why ... I have no idea, it is the best move in the swing to learn.
Just remember this. The idea here is to maintain angles and leverage. No angles no leverage. No leverage no power. So however you decide to get to impact that works for you ... good.. just keep the angles. Create them and then let them work for you.
And you will hit it as if by "magic"
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