Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Great Price for $12.35

From 60 Yards In: How to Master Golf's Short Game Review

Ray takes the mystery out of the part of the game that impacts your score the most.....the short game. You'll be quick to give up your old ways once you've read Ray's book. Cheaper than the best lesson I've ever had by ! This is a no-riisk buy!

From 60 Yards In: How to Master Golf's Short Game Overview

Tips on the Short Game from Golf Legend Ray Floyd

The short game is arguably the hardest part of golf. Hitting the ball off the tee is easy compared to the recovery shots and touch shots needed to get the ball onto the green and into the hole.

Ray Floyd is an acknowledged master of the short game, and he strongly credits his longtime success to his proficiency form 60 yards in.

In this profusely illustrated book, Floyd shares his personal theories on all facets of the short game: pitching, chipping, putting, and more. He describes what has worked for him and some of his colleagues and makes suggestions on how to vary shots depending on the reader's abilities and tendencies. He relates anecdotes of famous shots that have won for him, offers a wide range of practice exercises, and explains how the pros calmly handle unusual shots that leave duffers perplexed.

In all, this book will increase readers' golf smarts, bolster their confidence and lower their scores.

From 60 Yards In: How to Master Golf's Short Game Specifications

While most of golfers love to hit the driving range and just grip it and rip it, the truth is golf is won and lost in the short game--the chips, pitches, and putts that mean the difference between good scores and psychiatrist's bills. Raymond Floyd's swing may be unorthodox, but his guilt is in the safecracker's touch he possesses around the green. While Floyd is primarily concerned with passing on quality short-game instruction, his chapter on "Golf and the Mind" is indispensable to anyone intent on taking the game seriously.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

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Customer Reviews

Mechanics and practice... - -
Floyd here talks mostly about the mechanics of his style of short game (chip like you putt, etc.) and instructs you to practice each shot thoroughly before attempting it on the course. This is all good information but you can find it basically anywhere. He doesn't really shed any new light on the short game here.

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 29, 2010 00:10:51

Recommend : Lodge Set Cookware, Lodge, pentole in ghisa, forni review Golf Club Set for you

Monday, September 27, 2010

Demystifying the Golf Swing Sequence

Many amateur golfers approach the intricacies of the golf swing sequence with a sense of awe and mystery. However, there may be less mystery involved than at first appears.

You may think it sounds crazy to claim that there is little mystery to the swing. Looking at famous pro golfers, it's true to say that most if not all have trouble with their swing, and most golfing legends have amended their swing at some stage of their career.

Well, the stroke itself has no mystery. The sequence is quite straightforward - you have the backswing taking you to the pinnacle, followed by the downswing leading to contact with the, and the follow-through which takes you to the final position.

The problem is, any of these stages can and does impact the accuracy of the ensuing shot, so you need to develop fluency through the entire sequence to consistently enjoy the benefits of a good swing. This is where the fun begins!

Many people make the fundamental error of attempting to emulate their favorite golfer. Bear in mind that every pro player's stroke is unique to them and has been tailored to their exact needs by their coach. Even if, on the surface, two players' shots seem similar, the mental process each player goes through to achieve that stroke will be quite different.

Some pros' swings are 'text-book perfect' - any coach would be delighted if you or any golf student could develop a similar swing. But it has to be said that some of the top players have downright awkward swings - if you presented yourself to a coach with a swing like that he would probably do his level best to improve it for you. But, it works for that player, and attempting to copy that swing would most likely be counter-productive for anybody else. And, if that awkward swing won you millions of dollars in a golf tournament, would you try to improve it, or would you be happy to keep it ugly?

The ideal swing for you will depend to a large extent on your physical attributes. Broadly speaking, it will vary according to your physique, and whether you have more strength in your legs or your arms. It will also depend on your suppleness and muscular strength. Of course, this means that it will vary at different stages of your life, according to your general fitness level, joint flexibility, overall strength, amongst other things.

For instance - some swing techniques entail striking the ground, and if your wrists don't have the strength to handle this, that type of swing will probably never work well for you. By the same token, if you have successfully used that swing in the past, but have now developed a problem with your wrists, it's probably better to look at another type of stroke than try to recover your old skill with your accustomed shot.

At the end of the day, analyzing the basic mechanics of the stroke can be very beneficial to the amateur golfer, but once you progress beyond a purely recreational interest, you will almost certainly need professional assistance from a coach or instructor to effect much improvement in your golf swing sequence.

For tips and resources for improving your game of golf, visit golf swing instructions

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Friday, September 24, 2010

The Best Golf Swing Starts With The Perfect Golf Grip

The only part of your body that ever touches a golf club is the only part of the body able to control the club... and that part of your body is your hands. Your grip is an important placement because they literally are the only parts of your body in contact with the club. If you do not have the correct grip, small problems could be affecting your swing!

Here's why:

If the clubface is not square on impact, it will cause unnecessary spin on the ball (or cause it to simply fly in the wrong direction). An "open" or "closed" clubface is the cause of bad shots. It can be said that improper hip rotation, or arm positioning could be the cause of bad shot and that is absolutely true. But the fact remains, is that the club did not make solid (and square) contact with the ball.

Pretend for a moment that a golf swing robot is swinging the club... the robot has a perfect swing right? Something no human can consistently do. If you turned the clubface inside the robots "hands" the ball would no longer go straight - even though the robot has an absolutely perfect swing! This should illustrate to you how important the grip, and the clubface position are in making the best golf swing.

So let's take a look at your grip, and make sure you are holding the club properly:

One of the most popular grips in golf today is the "Vardon Grip." It was popularized by Harry Vardon around the turn of the 20th century... and you may already be using it, and don't even know it!

I'll explain this for right handers first (lefties, just switch the hands as I explain). Your left hand should grip the club at the base; pointing the thumb down the shaft. The right hand overlaps the thumb by placing it into the palm, and the right hand pinky overlaps the index and middle fingers of the left. You can even interlock the pinky with the other two fingers if you feel more comfortable this way.

The grip should not be too tight, but not too loose either. If you have difficulty getting the "feel" of this grip, you can use a yardstick for practice. Grip the yardstick just as you would a golf club with the "Vardon Grip" and push your palms towards the flat face of the yardstick.

Make sure that the clubface is square when approaching the ball. This grip will help you maintain a square club face on impact, but you have to make sure the clubface is square first!

Get comfortable using this grip, and you will be sure to hit the ball consistently by keeping the clubhead square when you strike the ball.

Zac Cole is a successful Webmaster and publisher of [] He provides more golf swing tips and information on the perfect golf grip [] on his website where you can research golf swing improvement in your pajamas.

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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Great Price CloseoutZone for $9.98

Humorous Novelty Golf Balls Set Review

Humorous Novelty Golf Balls Set Feature

  • Set of 3 USGA-regulation balls.
  • Printed on both sides.

Humorous Novelty Golf Balls Set Overview

Golf balls are printed with the words frustrated golfers have been known to utter! Set of 3 USGA-regulation balls are printed on both sides. Great golf gag!

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

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Tags : Lodge Set Cookware, Lodge, pentole in ghisa, forni review Golf Club Set for you you can find the best airsoft gun,airsoft, airsoft pistol, airsoft shotgun.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Proper Alignment is Critical to Good Putting


The moment of truth...the most harrowing moment in all of stand over that three foot putt for par to win the hole and the match. Your mouth is dry, your hands tighten, and.......many of you make a quick jerky stroke lacking confidence and worse yet, you miss the putt costing your side the hole and the match.

Whew! I started to sweat just writing that passage.

Why is it that one of golf's shortest and arguably "easiest" shots can strike fear into the heart's of most players?

Is it because that a short putt counts just as much as the 260 yard drive you just hit or the 150 yard approach shot?

Is it because we put more emphasis on the putt with it being the defining moment on most holes?

Is it because most players just don't practice these putts?

Maybe it's a little bit of all of these reasons but more importantly I think it's because missing short putts is just downright embarrassing. Putting requires no physical strength or prowess and "anybody" can make a 3 footer regardless of age, strength, or skill level...right? Anybody can do it! My 7 year old daughter Anna can make them over and over. So why do YOU miss them?

I want you to go over in your mind your last 5 rounds. Be honest! Over the course of your last 5 rounds, how many shots could you have saved had you made everything from 5 feet in? I'm going to venture a guess and say most of us would save at least 4-5 shots per round by doing nothing else but draining short putts. That might be a conservative number for higher handicappers and beginners but even so, it's still significant.

Would you like to save 5 shots per round? Of course you would..and I'm going to give you a drill right now that will make you the best short putter in your club. This drill is not complicated but like anything else, it does require effort and discipline and it will work for you if you will use it as I describe!

You can and will become a better short putter!

Work on the following drills weekly and you will see a dramatic improvement in your short putting.

As most of you know who have read my instructional pieces or who have purchased one or both of my instruction series, I am a stickler for good alignment and no where is good alignment more important than when you're facing a 3 -5 foot putt.

Having said that, here's what I'd like to see you do......

Get yourself a pointer. You can use a yard stick, an old shaft, the shaft of your driver, etc.

Pick a hole on the putting green that is flat for 5 feet around and lay the pointer on the ground parallel to the center of the hole. Grab a handful of balls and start 2 feet from the cup, making sure that the blade of your putter is square to the target line. Using the pointer as a guide, you can easily check your alignment on each putt.

Monitoring your alignment constantly, make 25 two footers in a row. If you miss before you make 25 consecutively, start over at 1!

Once you've made 25 in a row from 2 feet, move the pointer back from the hole and make 25 in a row from 3 feet. Again, monitor your alignment constantly and if you miss prior to making 25 in a row, start back at 1. This self induced pressure will aid you greatly the next time you have a 3 footer to win a match!

Repeat this process moving backwards in 1 foot increments.

Each time you practice your putting, which I hope is often, start the process over at 2 feet and work your way to 5 feet or as far as your practice time will allow.

A little practice combined with a little discipline will improve your putting tremendously!

Your friend in golf,


Ben Throckmorton is one of the brightest new faces in the world of golf instruction.

Ben's easy going one-on-one style and refreshingly simple phrasing make The Golf Swing Secret very easy to understand and also simple to apply to your own golf game. You'll love Ben's dynamic style of teaching but more importantly, you'll love the improvement you see on your scorecard after your next round.

Learn how you can play better now at The Golf Swing Secret

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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Golf Instruction, What Do Ya Mean, Hit From The Inside, Watch This

Have you ever heard that you should always hit the ball from the inside to the outside?

Sure you have.

Most golf instruction will make this a center piece of your growth period in the golf swing. It is one of the mainstay ideas related to golf lessons. Hit from the inside. It has to do with clubhead path or swing path as some call it.

How about the guy who figures this out by himself? Or, perhaps he reads it somewhere. That you must have an inside swing path in order to hit the ball straight.

So what does he do? He runs to the range and he decides that it doesn't seem that hard. He'll just drag the club inside on the take away and he'll be all set to hit it from the inside.

This makes perfect sense to him. So it isn't long before he is wrapping the club around his ankles in an attempt to get the damn thing inside more and more and more. Only to find that he is still hitting a big banana because, try as he might, he is still hitting from the outside to the inside.

You have seen this guy. He is the one that has the funny looking backswing. You know something is wrong with it but you just can't quite figure it out. He bends in ways that don't seem possible. His hands practically disappear behind him as he attempts to get the club deeper and deeper to the inside.

You feel sorry for him, but of course you have no idea who he is or what he is trying to do.

Whatever it is, you are thinking, it ain't working.

The club is so far to the inside that it gets stuck behind him. The only way he can get it back to the ball is to throw it out over the target line and hit .... you guessed it, "hit from the top" or do exactly what he trying not to do and that is use an outside in swing path.

The result? A repeating weak slice that has no hope whatsoever of finding the fairway and so now he is suffering from another problem as well.

He is standing too close to the ball AFTER HE HITS IT! ( Grinning)

There are several golf swing lessons to be learned from watching this guy.

The first is that you almost never can feel what you are doing in the golf swing.

And you can almost never figure it out by yourself. There are millions of words written about the golf swing from some very experienced folks. Trying to re-figure it out by yourself is a very bad idea.

So what happens to our unknown friend?

He finds that after hundreds of swings, his slice is still there and he was unable to hit from the inside. What he did wrong was miss the very idea of an inside swing path.

It is not the backswing that sets this into motion it is the first move on the downswing that causes an inside path of the clubhead.

Have a look at Jim Furyk on the PGA tour. His backswing is a mess. His downswing is a thing of beauty.

Our range friend has a backswing that only his mommy could love, and as he gears up for the massive downswing it only gets worse. He either never knew or never discovered that an inside move is on the downswing and not on the backswing.

It is true that a great backswing certainly sets up a great downswing, but if you are athletic enough you can re-route (not recommended) the downswing as long as you make that one magic move on the downswing first.

And what is that?

It's the bumping of the hips laterally and the dropping of the right elbow into the right hip. While maintaining the set up position of the head.

Your hips will turn and your elbow will drop to it's proper position if you allow them to do it. You have no choice if you bump your hips far enough laterally.

And then as if by magic, you will have hit from the inside. Unlike our friend who is totally mired in confusion and correction in his attempt to do what you now can do, but he will never do.

So remember that dragging the club to the inside only promises that you will hit more from the outside and make you look like a great blue heron on a Florida Golf Course.

People love to watch them but they don't want to get too close to them.

There are four magic moves to the golf swing. If you would like to have the first revealed for interest sake only go here:

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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Golf Instruction That You Won't Get Anywhere Else, An Outlandish Way to Fix That Slice!

That nasty slice.. the one thing about your golf swing that you can always count on. That nasty slice!

Want to get rid of it?

Are you willing to take some time to get it done once and for all at the risk of a few blisters on your pinky?

Ok, here is the most commonly seen move in a golf swing that produces the slice that you have grown so comfortable with.

It is almost always caused by an "over the top swing path" this causes the club to travel from outside the target line to inside the target line after impact, it puts a serious right to left spin on the ball. And the harder you swing the more spin you will get. And the further to the right the shot will travel.

Most often the over the top move is created because of a poor weight shift. Because, without the weight shift, the only way to get to the ball is to throw the club at it from the top with your hands and shoulders while leaving the weight on the right side.

Try it. In slow motion. You will see where the club goes and why. Over the top. Outside to inside. Keep your weight on the right side and slowly bring the club to the ball. Or keep your weight on the left side and then as you bring the club to the ball allow your weight to go to the right side, a classic reverse weight shift. But still you will generally make the over the top move and swing outside in.

Whether you have no weight shift or a reverse weight shift no matter. Same problem, different look.

Exactly opposite of what it supposed to be for the most effective golf swing.

So now let's take your time here and see if you can follow this reasoning for the over the top move.

It is very important that you understand why you do it. And then how you do it.

So picture this: You are standing over the ball getting ready to tee off on the first hole. A par four slight dogleg left. You take your weak grip and move into your takeaway.

You pick the club up and turn to the right. Once you have picked the club up several things have happened, none of them are good. First you probably will stop turning your shoulders because, after all the club is already at the top of your swing.

Once you stop turning your shoulders, your left arm begins to break at the elbow. Often this is not so bad but a bent left arm contributes to the poor turn as it, in itself, is an indicator to you that you have already turned enough. ( although not true)

So you stop turning. ( death move)

The thing that this early pickup and the stopped turn does, is that it eliminates the opportunity for you to create the "slot" on the downswing. The slot is created by a good turn of the shoulders and the turning of the right hip.

This combination does create an area of freedom under your right elbow.

Test it to see.

Turn your shoulders so that your back is to the target. Lift your right arm so that your forearm is perpendicular with your bicep and your right wrist is in the "trayed" position. Your bicep should be parrallel to the ground or floor.

Now notice that you have a space where you could drop your right arm straight down into.

This is the famous "slot"

If you now just drop your right elbow you will see that there is plenty of room for it.

You must create this slot.

Now is there room for you to drop your right elbow straight down without hitting your hip?

If there is, you did it. If not turn some more.

This slot is never there if you just pick up the club and don't turn enough. Trust this, you must have the slot.

The notion that you have to have an upright swing is not correct. There is another method.

I will call it flat, short and powerful.

You see, the mechanics of the golf swing always remain the same. The reason for this is that there is no way to avoid this fact: our body parts all all connected. So that if we move one part another part will also move. It is not possible to move one single part of your body without moving another part.

If we know this, we can use it to our advantage in making a useful and productive golf swing.

It's kinda like the leg bone connected to the knee bone, and so on. So it makes perfect sense to make an effort to understand what is connected to what and how the parts will move and why.

Here is an example. If I move my left hip during the downswing so that it slides toward the target and stay on my right side, my left shoulder will move up, my right shoulder will move down, the bottom of my spine will go with the hip and the top of my spine will move away from the target, backwards.

This is all because I didn't bump and turn my hip, and stayed on my right side. The result as far as a golf swing goes is a thin hit or the infamous worm burner. It's because the spine angle changed due to the hip slide, the spine went back away from the target and this changed the downswing to an up swing at impact.

The point here is just to know why body parts contribute to the success of the swing and how. Or not!

Alrighty then. How to fix the slice and not have to think about all this.

The upright swing, or the more modern classic swing is what is more commonly taught on the practice tees across America.

Let's try something totally different.

Instead of your hands being high and above your shoulders, let's keep them below your shoulders on your backswing. Low and around yourself. Flat. Flat as a pancake.

Take the club to the inside and turn your left shoulder fully under your chin. Do not allow your hands to get above your shoulder. They will go behind you. Your right elbow will be behind you too.

Your left shoulder will go under you chin and you will feel tension and pulling of your shoulder and upper back. This is good!

This backswing will be decidedly shorter than you may be acustomed to. This also is good.

You will have created an excellent slot with little effort. Make sure you have some weight on your right leg.

Now if you are in the correct position, turn your shoulders back to the left while allowing the arms and hands to just go along for the ride. Turn with speed and power. Arms and hands going toward the ball.

If you have ever played baseball, this will feel very familiar to you. If you have never played baseball, now is a good time to imagine what hitting a baseball should feel like.

This flat, short and powerful swing is use by many PGA players and is so simple it is scary.

Try it. Caution. Don't get too far inside on the takeaway. And remember to make an aggressive move on the downswing.

IF you do this correctly, it is almost impossible to hit a slice. But you can do it wrong and nothing changes for you.

Just give it a try. Nothing ventured.

If you want to know if there are any real magic moves in the golf swing the answer is yes, there are four. You can learn the first one here for free and take it to the range for a spin, click here:

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A Golf Lesson by Paul Runyan - How to Master the Greenside Chip

Paul Runyan, old time golfer and 2 - time PGA Championship winner ( 1934 and 1938 ) became well known for his short game expertise. He earned himself the nickname of "Little Poison", chiefly because he didn't drive the ball very far, but made up for this with an amazing short game. From time to time, Paul would pass on some golf lessons and various short game tips to his fellow professionals, which would then be taught to their students. One such golf lesson, which became affectionately known as "The Runyan", was how to play the greenside chip.

There will be plenty of times when you will find your ball just off the green, not too far away from the hole, but in some scrubby rough grass. You don;t really want to putt the ball from here, as you don't know how hard you will need to hit it to get it though the grass, plus the wiry grass can also knock the ball off line. Chipping the ball is another option, but this too has it's pitfalls, as the grass can grab and twist the clubface, knocking the ball off line when you swing through. This is where "The Runyan" golf lesson comes in.

Situations like this can be conquered through plenty of practice which brings the confidence with which to play any particular shot. This scenario would be the perfect time to put in to practice Paul Runyan's golf lesson. Here is how he taught it:

1. Take up your putting stance, and keep your front foot slightly open.
2. Make sure you are standing on your intended target line.
3. Now hold the club, as you would your putter, and address the ball. A good choice of club here is the 7 iron. The club should be on it's toe, with the heel off the ground.
4. Grip the club as you would grip your putter.
5. Place the ball in the centre of your stance, which has the effect of de-lofting the club.
6. Using your putting action, swing the club straight back and through. The clubhead should be kept low to the ground, and you should try to make this a "shoulders and arms" type of shot.

And that completes "The Runyan" golf lesson.

Played correctly, the ball will hop out of the grass and remain low, like a standard chip shot. The reason for this is that when you have hit the ball, contact is made with the toe of the club, which causes the swing to slightly deaden the hit. Due to the small amount of loft, the ball will slightly ride the face of the club. This in turn, causes some overspin, which helps the ball to roll forward. And the aim is to have the ball roll for at least 75% to 80% of the shot.

So, to conclude this golf lesson with a short summary. If you play "The Runyan" shot the way it's creator intended, the ball should run up the clubface, spin, and hit the green running towards the hole. With a little practice, this is a shot that could help you towards lower scores.

Gordon Simpson.
A blog for the everyday golfer. Recent news and advice about all things golf.
Visit my website above for more information.

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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Great Price Caseys for $29.95

Florida State Seminoles FSU NCAA Golf Gift Box Set Review

Florida State Seminoles FSU NCAA Golf Gift Box Set Overview

Outfit your favorite golfer with golf accessories that link him to his gridiron teams. This gift set includes three playable golf balls and a 100% cotton golf towel with a grommet and hook. The golf balls and towel are imprinted with the team logo. Ma

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Friday, September 10, 2010

Check Out West Virginia WVU Mountaineers GOLF CLUB HEAD/WOOD COVER SET OF 3

West Virginia WVU Mountaineers GOLF CLUB HEAD/WOOD COVER SET OF 3 Review

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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Great Price for $24.99

Essential Golf: Everything you need to know and how to learn it! Review

last Sunday I finished reading a book on how the mind/body best learn how to perform complicated physical tasks like the golf swing (btw, I won't name this other book as I hate to see people using Amazon reviews to plug other books). but anyway, it said it's best to first focus on ensuring you're doing the proper physical movements. don't worry on results such as where the ball goes. keep practicing the proper mechanics, and eventually the brain will allow you to essentially do this almost on auto-pilot. once you reach that point (often referred to as "muscle memory"), only then is the time to worry about results such as making clean contact; having a smooth, powerful swing, etc. this book also talked about the concept of "flow" (which is well-documented in other books), and said it's most enjoyable to build up proficiency by taking on challenges that progress in difficulty as you get more and more skilled at what you're doing.

so on Sunday I decided that's how I'd try to improve my golf game. and then on Monday I received "Essential Golf" in the mail from Amazon. I'm glad to say that Dunigan's book is exactly what I was hoping for, esp. with this emphasis on learning proper mechanics (get your swing videotaped!), practicing new skills without a ball first to make learning easier, avoiding concern about ball flight when the ball is first introduced in learning something new, and emphasizing drills to speed learning and keep things fresh.

Dunigan's book says there is no secret to quickly developing a great golf game. he writes the best way to do this is by learning the right things the right way, and he gives clear instruction on how to do this. I wish I came across this book sooner.

Essential Golf: Everything you need to know and how to learn it! Overview

The ultimate guide to learning, practicing, and playing golf in one concise, easy to follow manual. Starting with putting and working up through chipping, pitching, and the full swing, readers build rock solid mechanics quickly, and then learn drills and practice techniques that put those mechanics to work on the golf course.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

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Customer Reviews

Great Golf Tool from a Great Guy - Christopher John Tully - Charleston, SC
First off, I took lessons with Dunigan years back and he is a standout guy. One of the most positive and fun people i've ever been around. His lessons were very helpful but since then i've slacked off on my game and have been disappointed when i've been out on the course. However I remembered that he gave me this book a few years back and I pulled it back out to freshen up on some of the fundamentals of golf. I have dropped a few strokes in only the past few weeks from going back over this book. His methods are so easy yet so helpful, he really is an amazing teacher. Anyone looking to drop a few strokes or to improve their game or their practice techniques should pick this up, its a great guide.

This Book Nails Down the TRUE Fundamentals of Golf - John Mule' - Houston, TX
After playing the game for over 30 years and having had instruction from 5 of Golf Magazine's top 100 teachers, I'm impressed with John Dunigan's grasp of the TRUE fundamentals of the game. He strips away the unnecessary and scientifically unsound (unproven) jargon of many other so-called "name" pros and focuses on the basics - proper posture, correct pivot, precise swing plane, proper release, stable body movements, and short game technique/strategy. Great job John!

Great beginner book - -
I'm learning golf in a class of 25 people, not everyone get the teacher's attention. So I picked up this book. The drills are very easy to follow with lots of photos and explanation, even for me a left-handed player!! The exercises are broken down into pieces, step by step, one builds upon another. I can just go to the driving range and try on the drills. Some of them do not require hitting any balls at all so can be done at home. Not only I improve my swing, I now know what I'm doing.

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 08, 2010 01:35:26

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Monday, September 6, 2010

Cock-a-doodle-doo - lying is your Golf Instructor

It now seems that every year brings golf equipment enough to realize the fantasies of golfers all over the world. As you might suspect, 2007 has no driver exception with the arrival of the new square head. Golf enthusiasts waited with bated breath for the new Nike Sumo and Callaway FT-i. The manufacturer did not disappoint us not. Technology has taken the barriers of clubhead weight and moment of inertia and pushed down. Butthe advent of new tools for the golf enthusiast, is how you learn to use it to have been forced clubs to develop with these new golf courses?

Scouring the internet, golf publications and forums, it seems that teachers of golf, some tried to revolutionize the teaching of the golf swing, just for something "new and exciting." Yes, technology give us a lot of progress, but we should sacrifice the foundations of a good single step to keep golf swing with golf equipment Evolution?

Take the wrist cock in golf swing, for example. Find people tell you your right wrist bends on itself. ATTACK Sounds like me. There are others who want to keep the clubhead outside the line as long as possible. Works for Jim Furyk, but he is playing well, since he was a child. What happened to 'not' break the wrist? And 'this course> Lessons invalid because it has been around for centuries. Less is better, right? Not the wrist cock in golf swing occur when the club head behind the ball? The whole idea is to provide the club head the ball was brought back to the place. How hard is that for the average golfer when he complained of distance at the top of his backswing? Or somehow try to "relax the 'wrists at the same time it must, although probably only took a few shots during the month!Reflecting on your wrist cock is just something for your mind to process. Keep it simple!

Beware. Make sure there are lessons that the game of golf is to lead you astray from what is simple and repeatable, as you are.

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Friday, September 3, 2010

Golf Slice Instruction - 5 Easy Ways to fix their slice of golf

We begin by looking at some golf-slice-class higher education, gaming and correct your swing. These are tips that I developed through years of personal experience and a great deal to learn from professionals, and better golfer.

Before you consume less energy

One reason for the golf segment is the use of too much power if you whacking the golf ball. If you try to swing less energy, will actually end the conflict with a morestraight tee shot. One advantage of using less energy is that it can downswing Get your lower body, in turn faster than arms, at the time resolve this slice of golf at all.

According to Face the target

It 's easy, right? But its not as easy as it seems. Most people have golf clubs with open backs, which are taking part in slamming the ball on course and do it right curve. This is a hard course. The wayTo resolve this problem is simple, your back angle away from the target and focus on the reduction of the right shoulder to get his arm in a comfortable position. This prevents you from opening and reduce potential side-spin on the ball

Third Swing low, no major movements

The development of a good haircut is sometimes necessary to hit the ball on the same footing the ball. A segment golf swing occurs when your movement is to cut a huge up and down. This leads to aShoulder high back swing and the ball curve. Fixing a Golf Slice requires only that flatter swing and let your arms extend down through the swing motion. This allows the golf club to sort out without problems and will not cross the ball.

Relax fourth grip

One of the causes of a slice of golf is one close to hand, that Harms hit a great golf course. Relax your grip, it allows the club to the point of departure to reduce the probability thatRight-handers. Make a concerted effort to make the grip so they can relax, you can actually snap the wrist cock and feel the movement. This will send the golf ball curves straight without a problem.

Fifth Place more weight on the rear

To avoid lifting the club up and snack bar and a turning point that brings a disc, you need more weight on the side of your body is kept away from the target. This allows for a strong turn and coil developmentBack swing, with a steady shift in emphasis, if you swing down. This will be to extend the ball, and then each slice you golf.

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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Great Price for $18.95

Explosive Golf: Using the Science of Kinesiology to Improve Your Swing Review

Dr. Yessis obviously knows his stuff and lays out a program of truly golf specific exercises. By working out the main golf muscles in movements and joint angles that replicate the golf swing, here is a program with great potential and value to any golfer looking to improve. Other books out there claim to be golf specific, but all too often they just promote general textbook exercises which can be applied to any sport. I also like how much Yessis emphasizes the importance of preventing injuries, not simply treating them. He especially discusses the back - "the key to golf longevity" - and has good strength/flexibility exercises for the core to keep your back strong and healthy. If you value playing this great game for a lifetime, I recommend you read this book!

Explosive Golf: Using the Science of Kinesiology to Improve Your Swing Overview

"Dr Yessis has given the reader clear and readable instructions to develop strength, timing, and predetermined results. As a professional golfer for over 35 years, and an educator, I highly recommend his message."
-- Kenny Baird, Ph.D., PGA, Chancellor and Chairman of the Board, University of America

"Finally a book to help my students improve their strength and flexibility for golf. Great job."
-- Kent Brown, Executive Director, Professional Golfers Career College; Member, Southern California PGA Advisory Committee

"Mike Yessis has helped to finally explain the golf swing and relate it to specific golf exercises. If you follow the program in this book, you will definitely improve your game."
-- Dr. Tim Somerville, President, Professional Golfers Career College

Anyone can play golf. But if you are a serious student of the game or interested in dramatically improving your swing, Explosive Golf is your answer. Conventional advice will lead you to better golf clubs, professional lessons, and endless hours of practice. But the secret to improving your golf swing is simple--your swing is only as good as your physical abilities allow.

Dr. Michael Yessis, a respected sports fitness expert, demonstrates how to enhance your physical approach to the game and increase your understanding of the mechanics of the swing. Apply the exercises and instructions presented here, and you will see significant improvements in shot distance, accuracy, and consistency. Explosive Golf will help you elevate your game to the next level.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

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Customer Reviews

Less Than Explosive Contents - -
A few good ideas on the sequencing of the swing and muscle groups used at different points, but I found the exercise list incomplete, with some other areas like endurance poorly addressed.

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 01, 2010 23:35:17

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