Thursday, June 17, 2010

Golf Short Game Instruction - See Your Option Here

Golf Short Game Instruction is a great way to improve your skills from 100 yards and closer. There are so many different methods of training that it can be hard to choose what will suit your needs best. Some people may decide to take personal lessons, others may read up on the subject, and others may buy training equipment that is specific to the area they want to work on.

When choosing which golf short game instruction method you should use, you will first need to ask yourself what exactly are you trying to accomplish. If you are trying to become a better putter, you may find that loads of practice and reading up on some free tips would be the prudent course of action. Paying for golf short game instruction to try and help remedy that problem could become pricey, and they will most likely show you what you can learn for free, and tell you that practice is the key to developing a solid putting stroke.

Here are some golf short game instruction and training resources;

-Private lessons

-Reading Books

-Buying training aids, such as chipping rings, putting greens etc.

-Researching the subject


-More practice

From experience, I can tell you that private lessons are very expensive. Another problem with them is that the lesson concludes when the time is up, not when the job is done. Reading books is a viable and cheaper option. Purchasing training aids is a great way to get solid golf short game instruction. They offer great feedback, and keep your cost to a minimum. Of course, practice, practice, and more practice. In golf, practice makes perfect.

Finding the best training resource is only the first step. It is what you do with the information that will determine just how it translates on the course. I have found that there is plenty of great information on the web to learn the skills you need to make major improvements. I recommend buying training aids and other golf short game instruction books/dvds because they will provide you with more bang for your buck.

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