Saturday, July 31, 2010

Perfect Golf Swing Techniques

# 1 The back swing

The perfect swing requires stability and rhythm. When performing the backswing, keep the left arm straight and go back as far as you can. Keep the club head close to the ground and sweep it back smoothly. Maintain your balance when you are swinging the club back.

When the weight presses down on your back foot, keep the pressure balanced to the inside. As you begin to swing the club back up, you will feel pressure in the back leg and your body will begin to feel like a tightening coil. Continue to move up and when the club reaches the level of your hips, then the shaft ought to lie over the extended line of the feet. Stay in this posture for the remainder of the backswing. Allow a smooth turn of your shoulders until your front shoulder is directly behind the golf ball.

#2 The downswing

There are a few mistakes that most golfers make concerning their downswing. The most serious flaws in the downswing occur when golfers spin their hips without laterally moving their weight. Another crucial mistake, is that during this spinning motion they tend to turn the right shoulder high towards the ball. Golfers can also make the blunder of trying to move the club head or slowly moving their hands down.

These moves are disastrous because they make the player hit too soon and from the outside in, these problems will rob the player of distance. A key element in the downswing is to ensure that the head is kept in the same position. Do not rush the downswing as this will definitely result in poor shots. The aim is to have a gradually increasing speed and ensure good balance. Make the movement smooth and controlled.

#3 The follow through

Research has shown that over 90% of amateur golfers have little or no follow through in their swings. So for many players this is where the problem issue is at and can lead to a few other problems. By not finishing the swing completely, the hand is not turned over which leaves the club face open at impact and can cause a slice or fade.

To prevent this problem here is what you need to do; after impact fully release the club while keeping your head behind the ball. While performing this action the head and right shoulder should come up naturally. The right shoulder should move down and drop below the left during the early stages of the follow through and this will allow you to better hit the ball squarely with the club face. The head should remain still and only move in response to the movement of the hands and arms through the strike zone.

When learning to perfect the follow through, you should also pay close attention to your hands, the higher they finished means the further they traveled along the target line after impacting the ball. If your hands finish below your left shoulder this may mean that you're producing a flat swing.

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Golf Instruction Book - Everything You Need to Know About Golf

Golf is a sport that can either get you really delighted or really frustrated. Sometimes though, it can get you very excited, but when things don't turn out the way you want them to, it sparks a chain of events that brings you to a poor score. Any professional or expert will tell you that the only way to get better in golf is to practice consistently. Golf does not conclude after the first game. On top of that, you can also enhance your game with state-of-the-art equipment. These include golf shoes, comfortable and loose clothing, sunglasses to keep the glare off, cap, and of course golf clubs.

It is a smart idea to have a driver, a putter, and your wedges and irons for a game of golf. In the end though, no state-of-the-art equipment can match that value of practice. Having said that, if you want to practice, you must invest in personal golf swing trainers or a golf instruction book to improve your game. That way, you get to really hone your skills and fix your mistakes one game at a time.

It doesn't really matter what you prefer, a personal swing trainer or a golf instruction book. If you're still undecided, here are some guidelines on the difference between a golf instruction book and a golf swing trainer.


Golf swing trainers are undeniably more costly than a golf instruction book. A professional swing trainer needs to validate himself with his credentials and experience, and that entails a long time to accomplish. Golf instruction books are good if you want to save money. It wouldn't be as accurate as a personal trainer because no one is there to guide you step-by-step, but it is nonetheless a decent option.

Figures and Facts

The information that you can derive from the two is definitely very instructive. A trainer however, can give you proven information based on firsthand experience. A book on the other hand, can give you information that has been passed out over the years. Likewise, a golf instruction book has more information to give out because it is made to go over a lot of topics.


Golf instruction books are readily present when you need it. This means that you can practice whenever you feel like practicing and you can stop whenever you want to. A golf swing trainer will have to arrange with your schedule and will need to arrange a set time duration so that he can acclimate to your needs. Bottom line is, a golf book is more accessible than a trainer.

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Golf Swing Instruction - Are You Looking For The Perfect Golf Swing?

Are you still looking for the perfect golf swing? If you answered yes, you may want to stop for a minute and consider what golf professionals and instructors all over the world say; there is no one golf swing that is perfect for all golfers. With that said though, here is what will help you the most in your golf swing.

We all have our own unique golf swings. What works well for you may not work at all for me. Perhaps the best example of this is Jim Furyk. Who do you know that has a swing like that? And how could anyone learn that swing? But, he's a champion on the PGA Tour, so his swing works great for him.

The key to developing your perfect golf swing is to work on the fundamentals and build a strong repeating golf swing that becomes second nature in your mind. Here are some tips to help you build this type of swing.

1. Relax

As you step up to the tee box and get positioned over your ball, take a couple of deep breaths and relax. Tense muscles produce bad golf shots.

2. Backswing

Take the club back wit a one piece takeaway. You want your shoulders and lower body to turn naturally. Your weight will gradually transfer to the right side as the club comes back.

Set your wrists when the club comes back to the halfway point. Then, continue to take the club back until your left hand is up to being even with your ear.

3. Downswing

As you begin your downswing, you always want to lead with your hips and then let your shoulders and arms follow. It's your lower body that develops the power, not your arms. When you watch professional golfers on TV you will always notice this is how they swing the club.

4. Follow Through

Be sure to finish with a high follow through with your weight on your left side and your right knee pointing toward the target.

While there may never be a "perfect golf swing", these tips will help you build a repeating golf swing that will lead to lower scores on the course and having a more enjoyable time.

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