Saturday, April 10, 2010

Golf Short Game Instruction - Find the Real Problem With Your Golf Game and Fix It

So many of us golfers struggle mightily with trying to lower our scores and our handicaps. We spend endless hours on the range hitting drivers, to the point of exhaustion. We work diligently to prove to ourselves that those new hybrids really are easier to hit than our long irons. We hit ball after ball trying to gain some much needed confidence in our fairway metals. And, we are quick to buy that new set of irons that is guaranteed to be much more forgiving and deadly accurate.

But what's the real problem with our golf game? Why do our scores remain higher than we can stand? Why isn't all that practice time and new technology paying off for us? Perhaps we don't really know what's wrong with our game. Maybe we really don't know what needs to be fixed.

So how can we best diagnose the problem with our golf game? Here's one method that I've used through the years.

Instead of writing down only your score after a hole, write down 3 other statistics. First, indicate whether you hit a driver (or metal wood) off the tee. Second, write down the number of shots you hit on the hole from over 100 yards. This would include fairway metals, hybrids, and irons. Third, write down the number of shots you took from 100 yards in. This would be pitch shots, chips, and putts. At the end of the round, total the three categories.

For example, in a round of 95 strokes, a player might hit 14 drivers, 23 shots over 100 yards, and 58 shots from 100 yards in. So, how does that look in terms of percentages?

15% Drivers

24% Shots over 100 yards

61% Shots from 100 yards in

Those numbers will vary some depending on the skill level of the player. But, the conclusion is always the same. The great majority of the shots we play in a round of golf are from 100 yards in. That's the Short Game Zone. If we're looking for the problem with our game, that's where we should look first.

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